Nottingham native Yazmin Lacey has just dropped her impressive debut album Voice Notes. Touching on variety of sentiments like vulnerability, love and future consciousness, wrapped up in cozy jazz-centred production, there's no doubt that Yazmin Lacey's Voice Notes is to become a modern classic. Lacey explains, “For me, a voice note represents an immediate reaction to something,” she says. “[It’s] unfiltered and raw in the way that you can hear it.”. Made out of studio jam sessions alongside collaborators like Craigie Dodds, JD.REID, Melo-Zed and executive producer Dave Okumu, the recording process intentionally captured the beauty of imperfection. Lacey opted to forego a polished sound to give way for rawness, the chance to “hear someone's pauses, their stops or the cracks in their voice” much like the album’s namesake. The final track on the album is 'Sea Glass' - it's made from tenderly plucked guitars that move like leaves in the breeze whilst the harp strokes feel rejuvenating like a dip in a cool body of water. It definitely feels like a soft and intimate release when Yazmin sings, 'Water's in my spirit, to rise you must let go'. The song flows like a gentle stream through greener pastures, a reminder of the water outside and within us all, the water that connects us to each other, and each other to the earth and to the sky. 'Sea Glass' has a tactile effect, allowing us to feel more in touch with our more fluid side. -Ellie Rose-Davies
